Tuesday, March 29, 2011


Everyone has someone in their profession that they idolize.  My profession is no different and if I had to pick one at this point in my career it would be Chef Alain Ducasse.  Not only is he one of the most accomplished and awarded chefs of our time, his attitude is always positive and his commitment to improving and continually learning is second to none.  In the end it all boils down to the food and that is where he is genius.  He can somehow make the most complex dish seem extremely simple.  He loves fresh and simple produce.  He never interferes with the way something tastes.  A carrot will always come through tasting like a carrot, he may treat that carrot with spices and herbs and stocks but the carrot's unique flavor will never be masked only complimented.  My favorite thing about Ducasse is his unpretentious view of food.  Example?  In his cookbook Flavors of France, one of the recipes is for "fork -mashed potatoes with olive oil and parsley."  Simple and in need of nothing else to be perfect.  All it calls for is good olive oil, fresh potatoes and fine salt.  Name one chef (especially of his caliber) who would put such a simple recipe in his cookbook.  I live by the idea that quality ingredients make quality food and who portrays that better than Alain Ducasse.  I am in need of inspiration as I am in the middle of a menu change, guess whose book I am reading...again...

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