Friday, March 25, 2011

Iron Chef BLG

Tonight we had a slow start to the evening but, as usually the case is, the kitchen was lively with conversation about food.  We were talking about local farms, cookbooks, prominent chefs of today and yesterday, and about Iron Chef.  Not the Iron Chef America where the chefs are basically told ahead of time what the secret ingredient "could" be, the old one where chefs were actually put to the test.  We talked about how hard and fun it would be and all the hypothetical "what ifs" of the game.

I am a very competitive person, so naturally I wondered who would "reign supreme" in our kitchen.  Even though I run the kitchen and have more experience doesn't mean I am a sure thing.  I have some extremely creative and very capable cooks in my kitchen, a large reason we put out such consistently great food (in my biased opinion of course). A light bulb went off in my head.

In the spring we are turning our "cheese shop" section of the restaurant into a french tapas bar.  To celebrate the occasion (and our three year anniversary) we were thinking of having some sort of event.  I think we found our event.  Maybe bring in some regular customers as judges, maybe a local radio host, a little Iron Chef Tapas competition between some friendly staff members....


  1. This is such a fun idea! I was dying to know what the deal was with the Tapas post on I know and I can't wait! Do you have a date for the launch yet? We'll be there!

  2. we are shooting for early May, I will definitely let you know...we may need you as a judge!
