Thursday, March 31, 2011

Spring Parsnips

Even though we are in the early spring "food purgatory" where we can only dream of what is soon to come, the ramps and morels, the greens and fiddleheads, there is a special treat that is available now.  The candy of the root vegetables, spring dug parsnips.  If you have never had a spring dug parsnip you are missing out on quite a treat.  Parsnips are already fairly sweet but this time of year, once the ground thaws just enough to pluck them from the earth, the deep freeze of winter breaks down the starches into sugar and they become even sweeter with a new unique and complex flavor.  While still tasting of parsnip they now have notes of banana and even marshmallow.  We have them spotted all over our menu right now and highlight them in a soup with wild shrimp and pickled greens.  Hopefully they stick around long enough to finish the April menu.  Hopefully, because I can't stop eating them...

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