Saturday, March 19, 2011

Offal Menu

We are hosting an Offal Wine Dinner on April 10th and I just finished working out the menu.  While there is a tangible shock value to offal, it is not our style to show it that way.  We love to use the odd bits at the BLG.  It is our style to show that the whole animal can be used and the whole animal can be absolutely delicious.  Here is the menu:

Tartare of lamb heart with a nicoise olive emulsion, toasted pine nuts and miner’s lettuce


Fresh tagliatelle with sous vide rabbit kidneys, heart, liver and spring garlic


Duo of sweetbreads, braised in a rich veal stock with roasted artichokes
and sautéed with popcorn shoots and browned butter


Pig tongue confit with braised lentils, hedgehog mushrooms and arugula


Milk poached calf liver with caramelized onion puree, truffles and dandelion greens

"Blood Pudding" with almond ice cream and saffron creme anglaise

This is the first draft of the menu but we are still working on the wines, so something is sure to change.  I get a lot of intern requests for these types of dinners and I think I might take one on for this feast.  I am only going to accept one.  If you are interested please write me at and tell me why you would like to take part.

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