Thursday, April 21, 2011

May's Menu Part 2

I think I have finished the May menu and am pretty excited about the outcome.  Since it is early spring in New England and basically the only things coming available will be dark green vegetables, we will consider this our "green" menu.  I wanted to do a play on "May flowers" but no matter how you sugar coat edible flowers they just aren't that tasty...unless they are literally coated in sugar I guess.  Anyway, assuming I can get my hands on everything here is May 2011:

 Carpaccio of Leyden Lamb
 hadley asparagus, fried nicoise olives, pine nut mousseline

Braised Octopus
meyer lemon confit, baby arugula, black sesame, soy emulsion

Prosciutto Encrusted Boudin Blanc
fresh coriander salad, toasted coriander oil, red wine vinegar reduction

Chilled Rock Shrimp Salade
marinated raw vegetables (radish, fava, artichoke), basil cuisson 

Sirloin of Dry-Aged Beef
blistered asparagus, pickled spring onions, house-made worchestershire

Fricassee of Soft-Shell Crab 
green garlic, wild ramp greens, heirloom shell beans, french radish

Roulade of Barbary Duck
dandelion greens, local wheatberries, lavender-citrus broth

Chicken and Egg
wild ramp bulbs, asparagus, baby arugula, duo of spring pesto

Slow-Poached Wild Salmon
chive nage, nori-scented hand rolled couscous, ground morels

Hopefully all the ingredients will be available, let the phone calls to the farms begin...

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