Saturday, April 23, 2011


Before or after a meal?  That is the question.  I am of the school of thought that there is no bad moment for cheese to make an appearance at a dinner table (or any table for that matter) but, if I had my choice, it would come at the end of a meal...just before a simple dessert.  I love cheese as an hors d'oeuvre but I feel as an appetizer in a coursed meal can be a bit rich.  It doesn't leave you wanting more food after eating it, besides more cheese and wine.  Cheese can suffice on its own.  The richness of cheese can have a dulling affect on your palate for the rest of the meal.  I prefer the tasty molded milk as a snack, a light meal with a salad, or simply on it's own.  If I have to incorporate it into a meal, it must come after all my savory courses.  Obviously this is my opinion and not everyone's (meaning my wife) or we wouldn't offer it as an appetizer.  Cheese is so wonderfully complex that having it the beginning of a meal would leave a hard act to follow, everything after would need be just as or even more complex.  I am not necessarily saying that we need eat cheese with every meal, though I have a serving staff that would happily argue.  Of course I am not saying that cheese needs to come before dessert every night either.  Nest time you have an extraordinary meal (anytime I say something like this just add at Bistro Les Gras in after, it would save me a lot of typing) try asking your server for a piece of cheese...and maybe some apricot jam, maybe a glass of sauternes.  Then order your dessert, a simple and decadent chocolate one...with a cup of coffee or tea.  A perfect ending.  If I am ordering cheese at the end of a meal it means I had a wonderful meal.  It is an important piece to an outstanding meal...

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