Friday, April 15, 2011

Moving On

Every now and then a great dish comes out of nowhere.  Our Crepes Les Gras is one of those dishes.  We were going serve crepes suzette but ran out of oranges so I made a twist with ingredients we had on hand and an instant BLG classic.  It is a dish like this one that sends waves of regret for our monthly changing menu concept.  I could eat this any day of the year and be thrilled.  Alas, the maple season is over and the cider supply is ending.   So must our "New England" take on crepes suzette.  No more crepes with maple butter instead of orange, no more cider sauce instead of Grand Marnier.  It's time to say my goodbyes and time to change the season.  I always say that I will remember this dish for next year but when the the year changes so does my style.  I think this is one to remember.  I guess we will see, next year...

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