Monday, April 4, 2011

Food without Wine

I realized last night that I couldn't remember the last time I had eaten a meal, except for my morning toast, without a glass of wine.  I'm sure this makes me sound like I a lush.  I really only drink wine anymore, maybe an occasional cocktail, and I work way too much to drink any other time then over a meal.  My wife and I usually take part in a little over a bottle a day, usually a little more for me than her, and only over food.  Can I enjoy a meal without wine?  I made a half-hearted attempt to do so last night.  We sat down with a gracious bowl of fresh pasta and ricotta cheese and within three bites I couldn't resist getting up and pouring a glass of wine.  Food just doesn't taste the same without wine.  The fruity body of the wine dances harmoniously with the flavors in the food (sounds like I have had a glass or two already).  The tannins in wine work to calm the tannins in the food making the food taste less bitter.  The acidity in wine helps cleanse your palate, it balances the richness and subdues the salt just enough to make the next bite almost as exciting as the first.  Not to mention all the medical and spiritual qualities a few glasses of wine a day can bring to the table.  Sometimes  a great meal has little to nothing to do with the food.  I can honestly say that of my most memorable meals have had very little to do with the food itself.  I believe it is the whole experience, the company, the ambiance, the leisure and yes, the wine that are just as important.  It would be hard for me to imagine not having leisurely meals as often as I do without the good company I dine with, the comfortable surroundings and of course a delicious glass of wine

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