Monday, April 11, 2011

Tapas Bar

We started the build-out for our tapas bar tonight.  This is going to be a little trickier than the build-out for the restaurant because we have to remain open.  I am building the bar myself and a fair amount of the work is going to done off site so I don't make a mess in the restaurant and to keep the stain and polyurethane smell away from the food.  I am pretty excited about this renovation, it should turn the market into a pretty cool little spot.  I think the area could use something that is open a little later and cheap enough to be a nightly hang out.  I will definitely miss cheese market but I think this concept will be a little more practical for the small space.  Besides, now I"ll have an excuse to open another cheese shop, one with more room and display space for the lovely stuff.  Hey, dreamers can always dream...

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