Monday, April 25, 2011

Rock Shrimp

Hands down my favorite shrimp, no doubt about it.  Rock shrimp are an Atlantic shrimp that have extremely hard shells, very much like a lobster.  Isn't it always the case that the harder something is to break into, the better it tastes?  Artichokes, check.  Nuts of all kinds, check.  Sea urchins, check.  These are no different.  Rock shrimp not only have the best texture of all shrimps but are also perfectly sweet...very much like lobsters, like spiny lobsters more so than Maine.  While I could eat these like popcorn all day long, if I had to make a dinner with them I would put them in a pasta with loads of lemon, wild ramps and just a little jalapeno.  Almost a scampi, but cooked so much more gently.  If I happened to have a really nice olive oil around, maybe some bottarga, I would be in for a something truly manificent.  If all I had was some pasta, rock shrimp, a lemon and a nice crisp bottle of white wine...I would be just as happy.  I can't wait to feature them next week in our rock shrimp salad, assuming there are any left after tonight's feast...

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