Saturday, April 2, 2011

Goat Feta

I have been tinkering with the idea of making our own cheese at the restaurant.  I am leaning towards goat cheese.  Why goat?  Mainly because I am a am a control freak who loves to experiment.  A goat is an animal that I could (possibly) raise at home and the styles of chevre can range from simple and quick to complex and aged.

This idea dawned on me because I was out at Town Farm the other day talking about this upcoming season with the owner Ben when the conversation turned towards his livestock.  Town Farm is mostly a vegetable farm but they also have goats and pigs.  They have pigs to help churn and work compost and goats to handle grazing and to produce milk for their family.  Apparently their goats produce up to two gallons of milk per day (right now at least), that's a lot of cheese. 

It doesn't take much for me to get inspired and hearing how "easy" it is to care for and how much milk a goat can produce planted a seed.  We'll see what that seed will actually grow in to, but for now it has me tasting goat cheeses.  A hard job, but research and development is important...right?   I have been trying feta (a good starter cheese) and let me tell you their are some good ones out there, including a fantastic one from Sangha Farms (one of our "go to" cheese farms).  Sangha's is tangy and bright with acidity and has a nice crumble making it perfect for a homemade Greek feast.  Continuing down the "tough" R&D road of tasting goat fetas I landed on a perfect cheese, in my opinion.  It is from Meredith, Australia.  Meredith Dairy's marinated goat feta to be exact.  It is rich and creamy, almost to the point that you feel guilty eating it, then you get a pleasant goat tang and the sweet milk flavor.  It is marinated in olive oil which adds just enough fruity bitterness to compliment the cheese without overpowering it.  If you can find it (we have it in our cheese market right now) buy it and get yourself a nice glass of wine, some good crusty bread and a crisp salad and you will find yourself with a sublime meal.  I would be a hypocrite of sorts if I do not abide by my own preachings, so I am off to have a delicious dinner...

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