Thursday, August 18, 2011

It's time

Tonight was an average summer night, a slow start with a late, busy finish.  Tonight though we saw the wear on our staff's faces.  When you have a small business it means that you have a small staff.  It also means that your small staff works a lot when it's needed.  Early this summer we had some turnover, and turnover for us means our core staff works a touch too often and a little too hard.  That is why we appreciate them as much as we do.  Sometimes the hardest shifts are when you can see the light at the end of the tunnel.  You know, like when you have a vacation coming up and the few days before your sweet, delicious break are the longest, most exhausting days you have ever worked before.  We are taking our staff to NYC to thank them for the long summer thus far, but we are at that point right now.  We can all see the light, just a few more days...

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