Sunday, August 14, 2011

Sunday Recap

What did I learn this week...

It doesn't matter what you do and how well you do it, you can always get better...

Canning season has begun and it is always best to get going early...

That you should always have extra batteries around, all kinds in fact...

That sometimes I feel like Doogie Howser writing these Sunday recaps...

That it is best not to find your wedding ring in your chef pants, pull it out and say "Oh, I didn't even realize I lost it" in front of your wife after mentioning to her this morning that you "love that pair of chef pants"  and "haven't worn them in like a month"...

That if you do find yourself in a similar "wedding ring incident" it is best to feed your wife ribs slathered in barbecue sauce and have plenty of wine around...

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