Monday, October 10, 2011


Last night we went to dinner at one of our farms, The Kitchen Garden. They threw a sort of "pop-up restaurant" style dinner in their new winter greenhouse. They had two dishes with treviso raddicchio, one was a grilled and marinated with balsamic vinegar antipasti and the other was a post-meal salad of fresh radicchio in vinaigrette. Beth loved the former, but thought the latter was to bitter. My feelings were exactly opposite. As we tried arguing on who was correct, I remembered an interview with Ferran and Albert Adria where the discusses how we all taste things very differently. The specifically brought up bitterness and validated the issue with a test. They had five or so people taste this powder that apparently is extremely bitter but can only be detected by a small population. One of the tasters almost gagged by the bitterness and immediately ran for some water, no one else could taste it. I think that is incredibly interesting and really gives me a perspective to keep in mind...

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