Tuesday, October 4, 2011

Butchering a pig

This coming Sunday we are set to do a pig butchering demonstration at the restaurant.  I am a little nervous because breaking down a large animal with a bone saw can be, well, not graceful.  I tend to struggle a little moving the heavy animal around and sometimes find myself in awkward positions trying to cut through certain bones.  Not enough so that I am nervous about doing the demonstration, but just enough to be a little self conscious. I suppose it doesn't help that I know there are numerous industry people interested in attending.  Oh well, all the better to keep focused on doing a professional job...

1 comment:

  1. Wow, I really wanted to see this, but family obligations mean I'm going to be out of town. I hope you'll plan to do this again--and post about it! As I've said, I think it's really important that EVERYBODY--not just food professionals--know where their food comes from.
    Hope it goes well and wish I could be there!
