Tuesday, October 11, 2011


A friend of ours from Canada just celebrated Thanksgiving this past weekend and it turned our attention to the upcoming holiday.  When I was first living on my own, as a way to prove that I was really on my own I suppose, I used to celebrate the major holidays by myself.  That lasted a whole one time before I realized that holidays are lonely by yourself.  The next year I was determined to find something to do rather than just simply be by myself.  I brainstormed the best I could but in suburban Minnesota there is absolutely nothing to do, everything is closed that day.  So, I went to lunch at my favorite Chinese restaurant in Minneapolis (one of maybe three places open that day) and read the local rag with the hopes that I might find something to do, someplace that's open.   I came across a story of an inner-city soup kitchen that was serving a Thanksgiving dinner.  I had nothing better to do so I swung by and inquired if they needed an extra hand.  I ended up helping to feed dozens of people that day, a day far from wasted away in solitude.  I remember seeing people truly thankful that day, not because they had the opportunity to sit around a table and tell everyone so, because they were happy to be giving such a loving meal in a place that they didn't have to be alone.  That's when I realized the holidays aren't about celebrating anything, they are about being together.  What brings us together better than a good meal?  That is what the holidays mean to me and for once I am in a position to do more than just lend a hand.  This year we are trying to put together a meal at the restaurant for those who may not have anywhere to go or anyone to share it with.  I am sharing this as a means to help us reach people in need of some company this Thanksgiving. If you happen know anyone that needs just that, please have them contact us.  Thank you.

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