Thursday, October 20, 2011


My newest hire in the kitchen is leaving us and while I am always disappointed when a hire doesn't work out, the response that I received from leaking the news was a bit overwhelming. I have a small stack of resumes on my desk from people who want to intern at BLG as well as a big folder on my email. Once word spread that a position was available, though I am not quite sure how it did, I have received numerous phone calls. This is a good feeling. It means we are doing interesting things, pertinent things. The best part of all this is that I reached out to a former employee to fill the spot and he was very excited to (re)accept. He is an exceptional cook, a great personality and an intelligent and hard working employee. This kid could very easily be a chef somewhere yet he was excited to be invited back to the Bistro. This is the reputation I always wanted to own, respecting and having the respect of our employees is just as important as to us as serving our customers...

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