Wednesday, June 22, 2011


A common restaurant "issue" is late-nighters.  What is a late-nighter?  A table that comes in either right before you close or shortly after.  What does this mean for the restaurant?  That's a tricky question. 

When I was an employee, I hated that table.  I know that almost all employees feel this way.  Employees always say the same thing, "Where do they work?  What if I show up right when they are closing and sit for an hour  How would they like it?"  As an owner I see it quite differently.  Making people happy is what creates repeat business.  As long as they come in within our seating hours, I feel we should happily serve them.  The downside is that it costs me a lot of money to stay open later, much more than I am going to profit from that table so if we don't make them happy it does me no good.

Now there are other variables in play here.  I don't ever mind staying open for a "late-nighter" as long as they pay a little respect that we did so.  Unfortunately not all do.  All we is ask is that you take care of your server appropriately and you don't over-extend your stay.  Tonight we had a very nice couple call and ask for a nine-o'clock reservation.  We politely told them we don't accept reservations for parties under five so as long as the get here before we close at 9:00 pm they would be ok.  One of the party showed up at five-to-nine and reserved the table.  All the other tables but a single guy at the bar had left before the other person in the party showed up at close to quarter after.  They then proceeded to have a very leisurely meal and were still enjoying themselves when I left at 10:45.  How do I feel about that?  I don't know.  I am conflicted.  I feel they abused our hours, but the spent a decent amount of money.  They seemed happy, but will they come back?   I definitely wasn't to happy they were taking their sweet time, but that was probably because I was tired and cranky today.  It really doesn't matter at this point.  If someone came in tomorrow at the same time, I would do it again...

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