Sunday, June 26, 2011

Sunday Recap

This week I learned:

New Englander's love their lobster rolls...

That patience is good to have when hiring, some work out and some won't...

It is good to live in the Valley, even with a "tough" start to the growing season we still have amazing produce...

No matter how hard I try, I may miss a day of "the Journal".  Sorry about yesterday...

That biking to work in New England means there are going to be wet rides...

When I get stressed out and overworked I end up booking a hotel in NYC...

That BIG NEWS is hard to keep secret, but I must for a few more days...

I miss dining at the BLG, I haven't sat down in the restaurant to eat in a few weeks.  That needs to change, I have always said "if the owners don't eat there, you shouldn't either"...

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