Thursday, June 9, 2011

RW 2011, Day 4

Alright, today was the day that we have been hoping to do without.  One of our first tables, maybe our even the first table, was livid that her beans were cold.  It was a chilled fennel, orange and white bean salad and when the manager went to try and smooth things over, the lady went on a tirade about how they have eaten all over the world (and apparently have never eaten a cold bean before) so they know what is good.  Then they proceeded to intentionally look away from the server and not respond when asked anything for the rest of their meal.  During the bean incident, the staff looked over the dining room and everyone just looked melancholy.  Everyone looked depressed, no one was talking to each other just staring somberly into space.  I don't know if it was the lighting storm or the sticky heat but our night did not start well.  A handful of food returned to the kitchen unpleasantly picked apart.  Two ducks were too rare for the customers liking and one salmon was "completely raw."  Much like everything else in life, there is a polite way to send back a dish and a way that is sure to get the entire restaurant staff (and sometimes tables next to you) not too like you.  If you do not like the way something is cooked by all means you should send it back, you are paying good money for it...but please don't tell the server that the fish is completely raw when it isn't, just ask if they can have the kitchen cook it more to your liking. 

it is hard to have customers who only come into your restaurant once a year (during restaurant week) and feel the need to offer their criticism on anything and everything...especially when they are receiving three-courses for less than the price of our standard entrees.  Thankfully the mood lightened by the end of the night and people were very happy.  The last three RWs have been full of these types of days and we have been fortunate so far that this has been the only one, hopefully the RW gods will look down on us for the rest of the week...

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