Friday, June 24, 2011


Another cool, rainy day and the thought of a tough produce year is turning from thought to gossip.  This is hard for a restaurant like us to swallow because all we use is local produce.  We have all been so excited to move on from the parsnips, purple turnips and potatoes that Winter Moon Farm worked so hard to store and deliver to us over the long winter.  There is only so many ways you can change the form of a vegetable over a course of a few months and still keep it interesting.  I am getting slightly worried that I may have to do the same with the summer vegetables.  We have been fortunate that our farms like us so much and have been giving us preferential wholesale some weeks we have been the only restaurant they have delivered to.  I worry that a bad year may be detrimental to the farms we have grown to be more than business acquaintances with.  I want to see everyone we work with become prosperous, especially ones we consider friends.  Hopefully Mother Nature makes a turn for the better soon, otherwise we will be serving a lot of zucchini this year.  That's ok I guess, I love zucchini...

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