Friday, September 23, 2011


One of my servers loves to call October "Rock-tober" because it is always an insanely busy time for restaurants.  I was in denial for the first couple years but I have come to accept that it is truly Rock-tober. On top of it being the busiest month of the year, we have a consistent string of private parties, I teach another class at Different Drummer's Kitchen, we have our 3rd Annual Cochon Wine Dinner, our favorite farmer's market needs our presence, I possibly have another wedding to go to, the season goes through a major change so the menu must follow suit and I have just been informed that I am to be asked to speak at a PV Grows Fall Forum...oh, and we are still hoping to move forward with a second venture. 

I am making a valiant attempt to start "fall-izing" the menu a little early.  Hopefully I am not getting ahead of myself and the rain, the monsoon-like rain we have been and looks like we will continue to endure, does not mess up the fall crops more than it already has.  Tomorrow we are changing the appetizers a bit by bringing back our pissaladiere, doing another rendition of garbure, adding a classic version of crepinettes and introducing a new scallop dish.  I think I might bring a modernized version of duck a l'orange in as well, I know that The Kitchen Garden has some delicious escarole and Old Friends has some phenomenal young ginger.  Now I just need to conceptualize all that on the plate...

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