Saturday, September 24, 2011

Too much?

Tonight we were fortunate enough to be very busy.  We had a private party booked upstairs while the restaurant remained full downstairs.  The rhythm that the customers came in tonight caused problems.  It started all at once and then kept coming in waves rather than a steady pace.  The problem lies in the fact that our kitchen is too small to be able to confidently serve that many people at the same time.  There are some owners who would be happier pumping people in and out like that, and then there are owners like me.  I would rather make a little less money and know that we put out the best food we can put out than lack quality to make a buck.  I am proud of the food we put out and I want every table, actually every person, to get our best work.  I know that everyone (at least everyone we talked to) was really happy tonight but I had to fight a minor anxiety attack at the end of the night because I knew that it wasn't our best food.  My kitchen staff did an exceptional job serving as many as they did tonight, there is definitely no blame to be felt by anyone.  Most places would have crumbled under the pressure and the night would have been a disaster.  I suppose I need to make some lemonade and use this to be better prepared for the next time.  Perfectionism, what a headache sometimes...

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