Monday, September 5, 2011

Sunday Recap

(Sorry, I forget to hit enter last night)

This week I learned...

I have a kitchen crew that I am finally comfortable enough with to leave them on their own.

I have control issues therefore will probably never leave them on their own.

That labor day weekend may be labor-less for some, thankfully not for us.

That fall is here and I am good with that.

That my wife is never allowed to leave the restaurant again unless I am with her.



  1. I love this blog. And I'm really glad the fall is here too--maybe it's too warm to feel like fall, but it smells like fall at night. And it's the best season for cooking, if you ask me.

    I hope you got a day off today.

  2. Good thing you like fall as much as I do, it definitely feels fallish today. Thanks for reading.
