Thursday, September 1, 2011

Something's missing

Tonight we were very, very busy.  We had a private party which ended up growing to close to 70 people.  We had two larger reservations in the main dining area around the same time and were on a wait by 6:15.  We were also short one server, for some reason or another, she didn't show up.  We were also short my wife.  I should say I was short my wife.

Everything with the restaurant went well tonight.  Even though we fought the good fight short handed, our staff (especially the front of house) sucked it up, worked together and did an exceptional job.  It still felt off.  It wasn't until I got home that I realized why.  My wife wasn't with us.  More importantly, she wasn't even close to us.  She left this morning for a dear friend's wedding in D.C. and will not be back until Monday.

We are together almost 24 hours of everyday.  We work together, have the same days off (by days I mean hours), we wake up together, eat every meal together and go to sleep together.  I am not saying we are that dependent on each other, we just are together that much.  That's what happens you go into business with your wife.  When we are not together it just doesn't feel right.  I guess that's what marriage is...

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