Tuesday, July 5, 2011

Back to Business

Today we made it back from New York just in time to pick up our dogs, eat some lunch (we gluttonously brought back pizza, banh mis and bagels) and head in to work.  While its always nice to be back the restaurant, I found myself working with a sluggish, despondent attitude.  I missed New York.  No, I miss New York. 

When we lived in New York we were at a time in our lives when we were trying to get our careers of the ground.  I was managing for a large restaurant group to pay the bills and "moonlighting" at Daniel to absorb culinary knowledge for the new route my profession was taking.  My wife was working as a project director at the Waldorf Astoria, fresh out of Cornell's hospitality management program.  Plain and simply we burnt ourselves out.  I was working more hours than I do now.  In the beginning of the week I would be up at 8:00am and off to the kitchen of Daniel to slave away and soak in everything culinary.  I usually made it home around midnight, only to kiss my Beth goodnight and to quietly eat my dinner while she slept.  During the latter part of the week I would be bouncing around from restaurant to restaurant for NYCRG, making sure this and that was bring done properly.  I usually went in around 4:00 pm and would tip toe back into the apartment around 5:00 am, almost in time to kiss my Beth goodbye as she left to work.  I was mentally stressed, physically stressed, emotionally stressed.  We both were and so was our relationship.  The only logical thing to do at the time was leave New York.

Now Beth and I are at a very different point in our lives and I think we both feel the same way about New York.  Thankfully we are close enough to drive and we occasionally get a break to head down.  I could see myself living down there again, but for now it's back to business as usual...

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