Friday, July 15, 2011

Interesting Food TV

There are two and a half food channels on tv but I feel like there is only a handful of shows on them worth watching.  In fact, I think about 90% of them are the exact same show with a different host.  Bravo, how many people intentionally eating odd or disgustingly large things can you fit into a day?  Food Network and The Cooking Channel (basically the same channel) show a white noise of "housewife how-to's" during the day and at night show a lot of their own "celebrity chefs" telling you how good something the ate was.  Don't get me wrong, there are very interesting and fun shows but they are too few and far between.  I cam e across this on Chris Cosentino's Blog and I wish that someone would have picked it up.  I think it is a very interesting concept, could be very educational and would have the appropriate "shock value" that Bravo seems to be looking for.  I should give warning this may be a little hard to watch...

By the way, Chris Cosentino is one of the good guys and I highly recommend his restaurant.

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