Thursday, July 28, 2011

The Votes Are In

After reviewing all the polls, votes and emails about how often we should change the menu, we have decided to change the menu dependent on the market rather than by the month.  In the end the voting was close, but a majority of the voters asked that we change the menu a little less often.  I think this is good and bad, but I think that the good outweighs the bad.  It was a little stressful doing a complete overhaul of the menu each month and this years stressful growing season hasn't helped.  It think the change will allow us to develop dishes around our farm's offerings even more so than we already do, which is right in line with our concept and philosophy.  It is hard to say whether or not it will help with "the flops" and "the winners", at the least it will allow us to focus on what makes the dish "a flop" and maybe turn it around. 

Another small change to our menu is that we will be offering the a few of the bar menu items in The Market Tapas Bar.  We also added a few fun dishes like poutine, gougeres with bleu cheese and sauteed mushrooms with parsley.  I think we will keep adding dishes as The Market business picks up.  It should be a fun addition to the feel of BLG.

For those of you who voted against any change, don't worry.  Conceptually we aren't changing much.  We are still going to offer dishes that feature the local bounty at the peak of season, just now it will be a few dishes at a time rather than an entire change.  I think this is an overall good thing, I think our consistency will improve and we will only get better as time goes on.  If not, we will revisit this again.  Hopefully we are making the right decision.  I am pretty sure we are making the right decision.  When you give the customer a say, things usually work out well...

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