Monday, May 9, 2011

Biking begins

This was a facebook picture that one of my cooks, an avid biker, posted to his wall.

Gas prices are steep and only going to get steeper, but the real issue here is how much we needlessly use our cars.  I needlessly use my car all the time. My excuse?  Too busy I guess.  Too lazy I suppose.

This picture has given me motivation.  I rode my bike to work today and going to commit to do it as much as possible.  I am not going to rely on my excuses anymore and take some initiative.  Besides, a thirty-ish minute bike ride home is the perfect way to burn of the steam of a long shift.  Just long enough to sweat out the "seasoning" of a night in the kitchen, to think over the evening's service and then relax the mind.  A chef with a relaxed mind is a better cook...well at least a more relaxed chef...

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