Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Menu Vertigo

I have had true vertigo once.  I was skiing the back country in Taos, New Mexico when I jumped a small cliff and lost my footing on the landing.  I tumbled roughly 150 yards which felt like an eternity.  Both during and shortly after I couldn't have told you which way was up or the difference between the snow and sky.  The tumble was too much too fast and everything was one big confusing mess.

I kind of feel like that right now.  I am working on too many different menus and I am starting to get menu vertigo.  I just worked out the Tuesday Market menu, I have been slowly working on a Restaurant Week menu, I have menus to plan for my cooking classes at Different Drummer's Kitchen, there are consistent specials for both the dinning room and The Market Tapas Bar to be orchestrated and I have the Bistro's June menu to work out.  Oh so many different styles and they are all melding into one big mess.  The Restaurant Week needs to define us but be extremely cost effective.  The Tuesday Market needed to be comforting, local lunch food.   The cooking class has to be restaurant quality yet fun and easy to do at home.  The tapas bar needs to be fun and zesty, a few bites of delcious.  The dinning room special needs to be fresh and exciting.  LAst but not least there is the June menu, which needs to be...well, perfectly June.  Oh, and my wife wants to know what I want for dinner...

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