Friday, May 13, 2011

It Happens...

I missed my first post yesterday!  I apologize.  Unfortunately blogger was "experiencing technical difficulties" and I couldn't log in until this afternoon.

As with any job there are downsides to being a cook.  One that coincides with standing for countless hours on end is back pain.  It happens every so often and it sucks every time.  As luck would have it, it only seems to act up during a busy weekend and this just happens to be graduation weekend.  Yup, one of our busiest weekends of the year.  Sometimes I wish I was the type of person to feel comfortable not being at work because then I could go home and sleep until the ache is gone, but I am not.   I am in quite a bit of pain today but the show must go on.  I am chewing ibuprofen like candy and rationing my muscle relaxers and pain killer in an effort to make it through the shift and to not show that I can barely walk.  Everyone's a doctor and if anyone catches a glimpse of me grimacing and hunching, I get to hear a friendly remedy.  I have heard it all tried most.  After talking to multiple doctors, the only permanent fix is, well, I think I will rule that one out for now.  Now back to the line, tomorrow is a new day...

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