Friday, May 27, 2011

One Good Knife

People like to look in awe at my roll of knives and I like to let them. I realized today that having that many knives gives the impression that I need all of them.  I have some really beautiful knives and even though some of them specialize in doing certain things, all I really need is a chef's knife and a sturdy pairing knife.  That being said, I still use all my knives...but not in the way that you think.  I use them in rotation.  Why?  Because I'm lazy.  Rather than sharpen my knives regularly I use one until it gets dull then switch to a new one.  Eventually I run out of knives and I have to sharpen them all once.  Believe me, I put it off as long as I can.  The moral of the story is pick one good knife and learn to use it really well.  Learn how to sharpen it and care for it.  There isn't anything you can't do with one good knife (and a pairing knife).  Having more than one knife means you are lazy...and you like to waste money...

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