Tuesday, May 3, 2011

A Tuesday

8:00 am - alarm goes off
8:30 am- Actually get out of bed and shower
8:45 am- Kiss the wife, pet the dogs and leave for work
9:00 am- Turn on the kitchen
9:10am- Coffee
9:20 am- First order arrives
9:30-10:30am- put away orders and re-arrange coolers for new menu
10:30am- re-arrange kitchen to suit new menu
11:00am- prep begins
1:45pm- off to pick up plates for tapas bar
2:10pm- stop at the Farmer's market to get goodies
2:45pm- Realized have not eaten yet, so we have scarf some crappy burritos
3:10pm- back to prep
4:00pm- Place early orders (dry goods and such for Friday...almost to late)
4:45pm in a frenzy to get Market open
5:00pm- Go over new menus with staff
5:15pm- coffee and cookie break
5:18pm- break cut short, customers start arriving
5:20-9:20pm- a blur of food, orders, tickets, etc.
9:30pm- Start getting orders ready for tomorrow, need to be in by ten
9:50pm- Call in orders
10:10pm- break down and clean
10:45pm- go over prep list for tomorrow
11:10pm- glass of wine and re-cap with Beth, talk about tomorrows "to-dos"
11:30pm- Arrive home to feed dogs and start cooking rice for dinner
11:45pm- write blog
11:50pm- shower
12:10pm- eat dinner and deflate with the wife
1:30pm- Bed

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