Sunday, May 8, 2011

Mother's Day

As much as I hate hallmark holidays, it does force us to remember people that have influenced our lives.  Mothers have a pretty strong case for being an influential being, I dare you to argue otherwise with one.  I definitely would not be who or where I am today without all the Mothers in my life.  It wasn't until recently that I realized how special it was for me to grow up with a Great-Grandmother, a Grandmother and a Mother.  While you can learn a lot from one, well, as they say, three heads are better than one.  They have taught me respect for people and everything else, which has influenced me to learn to use every part of anything I eat and practice that on a daily basis.  They have taught me patience, which is just a good thing to have in general but especially the service industry.  They have taught me to be proud of who I am and that is clear in the way we run our business.  They have taught me to love all kinds of foods, whether it was as simple as fresh picked sugar snap peas from my great-grandparents garden or as comforting as my grandmother's fresh torillas with frijoles and chili or as complex as the diversity of ethnic foods I grew up around.  They have taught me to always appreciate when others cook for you and to never look a gift horse in the mouth.  Most importantly they have taught me to work hard and always do what makes me happy.  Happy Mother's Day to all the loving mothers in our world...

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