Friday, May 6, 2011

Happy with May

May is shaping up to be a great menu.  We have been very busy this month and thus far customers have been responding very well to the new menu.  It'ss not too often that I am this happy this early into a new menu.  Every month I find amusement in noting the "hot" items at the beginning of the month and then comparing them to the "hot" items at the end of the month.  Right now I am selling the heck out of our scallops.  Not surprising, scallops are a New England comfort food (I have never lived in an area that eats so many scallops!)  The scallop dish will be the worst selling item at the end of the month.  Odd but true, it happens every month.  Which ever item is the most popular at the beginning finishes last, and which ever item is slow at the beginning is white hot at the end of the month.  A game of the tortoise and the hare.  This month's tortoise will probably be the chicken, easily my favorite entree this month.   Which came first, the chicken or the egg?  At Bistro Les Gras, which ever you decide to eat first.  We pound out a chicken breast, bread it and give it a nice saute until golden.  We top it with a warm salad of ramp bulbs, asparagus and some spicy arugula seasoned with lemon, olive oil and fleur de sel.  Next to the chicken cutlet is a soft-cooked egg topped with pickled ramps sitting over a bright green arugula puree.  The dish is vibrant, comforting, fresh and whimsical.  Kind of like me...

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